Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Download this zip file.
  2. Drag and drop the downloaded and unzipped folder to the location of your choice, and rename it "Open Ephys."
  3. If you haven't already installed the HDF5 or ZeroMQ libraries using MacPorts, copy the two "libhdf5" files and the "libzmq.dylib" file to the /usr/lib directory (see README file for instructions)
  4. Double-click the "open-ephys" executable to run the application.


  1. Create a GitHub account if you haven't already.
  2. While logged into your account, go to and click the "Fork" button in the upper right. You now have your own copy of the GUI repository. Any changes you make will only affect this copy. (More info on forking here.)
  3. Make sure you have GitHub for Mac installed.
  4. Install Xcode if you haven't already.
  5. (Optional, for plugins that require these external libraries libraries) Use MacPorts to install the HDF5 library (sudo port install hdf5) and the ZeroMQ library (sudo port install zmq). Make sure you've run "sudo port selfupdate" recently, so you install the latest versions. You need HDF5 1(Of the plugins shipped by default, KWIKFormat requires the HDF5 library (version 1.8.12 or higher for the GUI to compile.), and NetworkEvents and EventBroadcaster require ZeroMQ.)
  6. Direct your browser to, where "yourusername" is replaced by your actual GitHub user name.
  7. Click the "Clone in Desktop" button.
  8. In Xcode, select the "open-ephysOpenEphys.xcodeprojxcworkspace" file from the plugin-GUI/Builds/MacOSX folderMacOSX folder.
  9. Select the "All" scheme.
  10. Hit the "Run" button to build the GUI and plugins from source.
Building plugins


  1. Using a console, enter the Builds/MacOSX directory
  2. Execute the following command: "make -f Makefile.plugins" to build all plugins
  • To clean the plugin build space, type "make -f Makefile.plugins clean"
  • To compile just a specific plugin, type "make -f Makefile.plugins <NameOfThePluginFolder>"
  • Only those plugins that have a Makefile file inside their source directory will be built


Now you can both use the GUI and make changes to the source code. We recommend reading through the developer documentation before doing so.

Any changes you commit can be synced with your GitHub repository through the GitHub application or from the command line. If you change something that you think would be useful for others, you can submit a pull request to the Open Ephys version of the GUI.


  • If the GUI some plugins won't compile, it's probably related to issues with the HDF5 library; if or ZeroMQ libraries.  If you used MacPorts, the library libraries will be installed in /opt/local/lib, and the headers will be found in /opt/local/include. Make sure Xcode knows how to find these files. In the "Build Settings" for the Target (not the Project), add /opt/local/lib to the "Library Search Paths" and /opt/local/include to the "Header Search Paths."
  • Make sure the architecture (32- vs. 64-bit) and base SDK (OS X 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10) are appropriate for your particular machine


Notes on different hardware and software

Works on a late 2013 Mac Pro with OS X El Capitan (10.11.4) and Xcode 7.3.

Works on late 2010 MacBook Air with OS X Yosemite (10.10) and Xcode 6.0.1.
