Sorted unit information (which electrode, which unique unit ID, color) are stored in the spike object that is passed on the pipeline.
Network Events Source
The network event module source listens over the network on a specific port. Implementation is based on the widely used 0MQ library.
Special commands will be transferred to other modules (e.g. remote start/stop recording, etc).
The network event module sends incoming messages on the pipeline using the midi buffer, with a special NETWORK event code.
The network event is now implemented as a source. To use it, you'll need to add a merger module and link it to the main processing pipeline, preferably, before any other modulesTo add this capabilities to your graph, dump the network events, and then use the merger utility to merge the two streams.
Network events are useful for sending trial information or other text-based data to GUI (for example, sending updated position of advancers).
Commands can be send directly to a specific module using the reserved keyword "ProcessorCommunication". For example, one can send a string to a specific processor in the graph by sending the string "ProcessorCommunication <processor name> <command>". Processors evaluate incoming messages using the virtual function "interProcessorCommunication".
Special commands are also available:
- "StartRecord", will cause the graph to start recording.
- "StopRecord", will cause the graph to stop recording.
- "SetSessionName <folder name>" will override the default directory where files are stored (from date-time) to <folder name>
- "ProcessorCommunication" <processor name> <string command>, will send a command to s specific processor.
Peristimulus time histogram (PSTH) sink
The PSTH sink module has two main functions:
A. It is used to display average firing rate and average lfp, aligned to external events, such as TTL pulses, or more complex trials that are sent over the network (e.g., in the snapshot above, you can see the peri stimulus time histogram for a specific trial type, triggered by a network event. Left most window is the LFP aligned to the trigger, while the yellow and green windows correspond to two isolated sorted units that were defined in the Spike Detector module).
B. It is used to save to disk all pipeline events that were generated after the source (i.e., network events, spikes, etc).