Starting with version 0.4.0 the GUI features a plugin architecture, allowing it to be expanded with external modules without the need to recompile the entire program every time a new feature is added. Currently, the GUI supports the following four types of plugins:


The main elements of the plugin architecture are the library files, the Plugin Manager and the shared services that the GUI offers.

Library Files

Library files are the compiled binaries that contain the different plugins. A single library file can contain multiple plugins of different kinds, exporting a set of methods that allow the Plugin Manager in the GUI to inspect its contents and know how to instantiate the different plugins.

All library files are placed into a "plugins" folder located next to the binary executable and are loaded at startup. If the GUI console is active, it will show all the files it's trying to load, the result of the operation, and the number of plugins each library contains if load its succesful.

There are two main limitations in the use of external library files:

Plugin Manager

The PluginManager is the class responsible for loading and managing plugins. It maintains a list of all loaded libraries and the plugins they contain, and can be accessed via AcessClass to instantiate a specific plugin. It also provides search capabilities to be able to load plugins from signal chains generated in configurations with different available plugins.

GUI Services

In addition to the base classes from which the plugins are derived, the GUI offers a series of methods that allow interaction outside the scope of the plugin. Some examples include: showing messages through the status bar, refreshing the signal chain, or starting/stopping acquisition or recording. All of these functions can be accessed through the CoreServices namespace, available to all plugins. All JUCE classes are also available for the plugins to use, and are exported through the GUI itself.

Creating plugins

Creating a plugin involves creating the desired plugin classes, exporting the library info methods, and creating the required build files.

To ease plugin creation, all headers that might be needed by any plugin are located inside header files available at Source/Plugins/Headers. A plugin must not use headers outside the ones in that directory. The available headers are:

There are a number of rules that all plugins must follow:

Outside those rules, there are no further limitations on what the plugin can do. Plugins are free to make use of external libraries and any other means needed to achieve their functionality. Although it is highly recommended that a plugin can be compiled on all three platforms, nothing prevents a library from being specific to a single OS, as long as the build files take that into account.