DIY cap

DIY cap

Electrode caps can be fairly expensive and depending on how many electrodes are needed for the experiment they can also be unnecessary.  Using the 32 channel EIB and a handful of electrodes we can set up a quick and dirty electrode "cap".  

(This section is currently being updated)




Soldering the Omnetics to the EIB

This process is currently documented in the flexDrive building instructions under 3, soldering the EIB.


The electrodes you are going to use will depend mainly on your budget and how many electrodes you are looking to use.  Quality Ag/AgCl sintered electrodes can run $25/electrode, which is recommended for top of the line recording; however, silver and gold electrodes go for about half the price and are perfectly fine to use.

Make sure that the electrodes you purchase have long enough leads; the leads will be shortened to solder to the EIB and also to decrease the distance between the electrodes and the headstage.