Simpleclust Workflow

Simpleclust Workflow

Simpleclust assumes that each spike file coming from the ephys software already contains channels associated with one multicontact electrode (Ntrode).

It saves two files per sorted Ntrode:
One (_simpleclust.mat) that contains all the features used for sorting - this file can be opened in simpleclust again for re-sorting.
One (.mat) that only contains the spike times  and clusters as well as cluster waveforms - this file is useful for loading for analysis.

Basic workflow for individual files and batch-processing:

Load spike data file -> pre-process into _simpleclust.mat file (not saved yet) -> sort -> save into 2 output files.

For large files , the Loading, pre-processing and saving steps can take up significant time. For this reason, simpleclust can batch-preprocess multiple files and prepare a batch of _simpleclust.mat that make for faster loading of individual files later during manual sorting. With this process the workflow is:

M times:( Load spike data file -> pre-process into _simpleclust.mat file & save) -> M times:(load  _simpleclust file -> sort -> save 2 output files)

With this workflow, the main rate limiting step is usually the loading/saving to HDD, so a RAID0 or a SSD is recommended.