Low-Profile SPI Headstage

Low-Profile SPI Headstage

This is an Open Ephys designed headstage, using an Intan chip. The main advantages of this headstage are:


  • It has a thin Intan SPI tether

  • It is compatible with all Intan/ Open Ephys Rhythm systems

  • It uses a Hirose connector to EIB, rather than an Omnetics connector, which greatly reduces cost.

  • It weighs 0.92 g

  • Has 2 LEDs for tracking purpose

  • Primarily: the flat, round design means that the center of mass of the headstage is closer to the head of the animal. This cuts torque in half, reducing the impact on animal - mice can lower their heads and perform most licking/nosepoke paradigms. (Imagine wearing a heavy tall hat, and how that would influence your balance.)

The channel map is available here.

The standard Intan Headstage is on the left, the low-profile headstage on the right. The shape


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